Dear Sandy Beaches,
How do I convince my husband to grow his own pot and stop spending hundreds weekly at the canna markets!?!?
Anonymous redditor
Dear Anonymous Redditor,
Trying to convince someone to do something they don’t want to do is a hard road to travel. However, so is losing hundreds of dollars per week.
There are a few reasons why your husband might not want to grow weed.
It’s hard. I know, you grew petunias 2 years ago and if you can do it anyone can, but... pot can be fickle. The plants need certain light. They need certain genitalia. They’re very picky.
It takes time to grow pot. If you mess up and the weed isn’t any good, it will take even more time. Drying weed can also take up the entire house. Have you thought about how four weed plants will look? We’re talking laundry lines.
It’s also possible your husband has been a habitual pot smoker for so long that he no longer has the energy to start a new project. It is a lot easier to go down to the market, hang out with some random people who may also want minimal (just enough) social contact, and come home with a week’s supply.
Tragically, I think none of these three reasons are to blame. Since the years of completely illegal weed, many of us have PTSD from the paranoia that came along with being a criminal. Maybe growing marijuana in public feels like a trap to your husband.
If he is a bit murky on Virginia marijuana laws, here are the top 4
You can bring up to 4 oz of pot to the downtown mall without going to jail.
But you may face a $25 fine.
It’s totally legal to grow 4 weed plants at home.
But if your neighbor can see those weed plants, it’s not.
Technically you can grow pot even if you’re still in high school.
If you’re 18. In fact, if you want to know all of the specifics, just head over to and see for yourself.
My advice is to start growing weed yourself. If you have a place that’s big enough, where the smell won’t get to anyone, stick those ladies in a closet and spend the extra cash on clothes.
Sandy Beaches
Published Mar 20, 2023
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